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What I Think It Will Be Like to Unplug from Social Media for 24 Hours

Uncategorized Sep 30, 2024

 Written by:  Tammy Searle

Unplugging from Social Media for 24 Hours

The thought of unplugging from Social Media for 24 hours is both exciting and daunting. As someone who relies on Facebook not only for personal connections but also for professional reasons, I can already imagine the challenges and rewards that come with stepping away, even for a short period of time. It is a platform that has become intertwined with my daily routine, helping me stay connected to family, friends, clients, and colleagues. But what would it feel like to disconnect completely, even if only for a day?

I have been toying with the idea of taking a break from Social Media for a while now. Like many people, I often find myself mindlessly scrolling through my feed when I should be focusing on other tasks. Even though much of my activity on Social Media is work-related—posting updates for my travel safety seminars, engaging with followers, and staying in the loop with industry trends—there’s no denying that the platform has become a major distraction. So, what do I expect from this little experiment of going offline for 24 hours? Here’s how I think it will play out.


The Initial Anxiety

Let’s face it, the first few hours are going to be tough. I can already imagine myself reaching for my phone out of habit, only to stop and remind myself that I am on a digital detox. It’s not just about the need to check notifications; it’s about breaking the cycle of constantly staying updated on what’s happening in the lives of others and in my professional world.

Facebook has a way of making you feel like you need to be available at all times, both socially and professionally. I anticipate feeling a sense of anxiety initially, especially as I start wondering if I am missing out on an important client inquiry or a significant update from a colleague. That fear of missing out (FOMO) is real, and it’s one of the reasons I have been hesitant to fully disconnect. But at the same time, I recognize that this anxiety is part of the reason why a break is necessary. Constant connectivity has created a pressure to always be “on,” which can lead to burnout.


Reclaiming My Time

Once the initial anxiety passes, I imagine I will start to feel the benefits of being unplugged. One of the main reasons I want to try this experiment is to reclaim my time. How often have I found myself on Facebook when I should be focusing on a work project or even enjoying some downtime? It’s easy to lose track of time when you’re scrolling through updates, photos, and comments.

By disconnecting for a full day, I think I will gain a better perspective on just how much time I have been dedicating to Facebook—and how that time could be better spent. Whether it’s working on projects that require deep focus, brainstorming new ideas for my travel safety seminars, or simply reading a book without the temptation of checking notifications, I am hoping this 24-hour period will help me realign my priorities.



Increased Focus and Productivity

I anticipate that one of the biggest outcomes of this digital detox will be an increase in my focus and productivity. Without the constant pull of notifications or the urge to see how many likes my recent post has received,  I willl be able to dive deeper into tasks that require my full attention. Whether it’s writing, organizing my travel plans, or preparing for upcoming speaking engagements, I believe that being unplugged will allow me to accomplish more in less time.

One thing that I am also looking forward to is having more uninterrupted time to reflect and think creatively. Sometimes, stepping away from the noise of social media is the best way to spark new ideas. Often I have found that my best ideas come to me when I’m not actively searching for them, and I hope this break will give me the mental space to do just that.


The Challenge of Staying Disconnected

While I am optimistic about the benefits, I know that staying disconnected for 24 hours will present some challenges. For one, Facebook is a key tool for my professional work. It is how I communicate with clients, promote my services, and stay engaged with my audience. Going offline, even for a day, means that I shall be missing out on potential opportunities to connect with people who may need my services or have important inquiries.

I also think I will feel a bit disconnected socially. Facebook is where I keep up with friends, family, and professional peers, and going without it for a full day might make me feel out of the loop. I imagine there will be moments where I wonder what I am missing—whether it’s a fun update from a friend or an important piece of news. But at the same time, I am curious to see how it feels to step away from that constant stream of information and rediscover other ways to stay connected.


Final Thoughts: A Necessary Reset to Relax

Overall, I think unplugging from Facebook for 24 hours will be a necessary reset. It will give me a chance to break the cycle of constant social media consumption and reconnect with the things that truly matter—both in my work and personal life. While I know it will not be easy, I am hopeful that this experiment will show me the value of stepping back and creating more balance between my online and offline worlds.

And who knows? If the experience is as positive as I anticipate, this might become a regular practice. Taking a day off from Facebook every once in a while could be just what I need to maintain my focus, productivity, and well-being in a world that never stops moving. It is time to schedule time to actually relax.



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