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Uncategorized Oct 05, 2024

Written by Tammy Searle


Going Unplugged from Social Media for 24 Hours: A Personal Experiment

In today’s digital age, social media has become an integral part of our lives. It’s where we connect with friends, share ideas, and for many, it’s a cornerstone of their work and livelihood. As a professional speaker, trainer, and travel agent, social media is essential for my business. It’s where I share tips, engage with my audience, and stay updated on industry trends. Yet, despite its importance, I’ve often wondered: what would happen if I unplugged from social media for 24 hours, even when it feels impossible? This week, I decided to give it a try.

The idea behind going unplugged isn’t new. Countless articles tout the benefits of taking a digital detox—reduced stress, improved focus, and increased productivity. However, what happens when social media is essential for your work? When your business, clients, and even income rely on staying connected? I knew the experiment would be challenging, but I was curious to see how it would affect me personally and professionally.


Preparing for the Digital Detox

Before embarking on this 24-hour experiment, I knew that preparation would be key. Social media is part of my daily routine, whether I’m promoting a training session, updating my travel blog, or keeping up with the latest trends in technology and safety. Going offline, even temporarily, felt like stepping into unknown territory.

To prepare, I informed my clients and followers that I would be taking a short break from social media. I scheduled posts in advance so that my online presence wouldn’t come to a complete halt. Automation tools like Facebook post management utilizing the calendar option came in handy here, ensuring that I could still maintain some level of activity without physically being present.

Additionally, I made a list of tasks I could focus on during this time—projects that often get pushed to the back burner because of the constant pull of notifications. The goal was to shift my attention from the online world to the tangible, hands-on aspects of my work, such as writing, organizing travel plans, and brainstorming for future speaking engagements.


The Experience: Going Unplugged

The first few hours of being unplugged were surprisingly difficult. Like many professionals, I’m used to constantly checking my phone—whether it’s for an email, a message, or the latest update on a client’s social media campaign. I felt a constant urge to reach for my phone, only to remind myself that I had committed to staying off social media for the day.

What struck me most was how ingrained the habit had become. I realized that I wasn’t just checking social media for work; I was doing it out of habit, almost mindlessly. Every time I experienced a lull in my day, I would instinctively go to my phone, even though I had no reason to be online. It was a clear sign of how much time and attention I had been giving to platforms that didn’t always serve a purpose for my professional or personal growth.

As the day went on, the initial discomfort began to fade, and I found myself more focused. Without the constant barrage of notifications, I was able to give my undivided attention to the tasks at hand. I completed a project that had been sitting on my to-do list for weeks and brainstormed fresh ideas for my travel safety seminars. There was something liberating about being able to work without interruption.


The Benefits of Being Unplugged

By the end of the 24-hour period, I felt surprisingly refreshed. Stepping away from social media gave me the mental space I didn’t realize I needed. Here are a few key benefits I noticed during my unplugged day:

  1.  Increased Focus: Without the distraction of notifications, I was able to dive deeper into my work. I was more present in conversations and more productive in completing tasks. The mental clarity I gained allowed me to think creatively, which is crucial for developing new content for my speaking engagements and travel safety workshops.
  2.  Reduced Stress: Social media can be overwhelming, especially when it’s tied to your professional life. There’s a constant pressure to be “on,” whether it’s responding to messages or keeping up with the latest industry trends. Taking a break allowed me to decompress, and I felt more relaxed by the end of the day.
  3. Reconnection with Offline Activities: When was the last time I spent an entire day without scrolling through my feed? Probably longer than I care to admit. During this unplugged period, I rediscovered the joy of reading an actual book, spending time outdoors, and having face-to-face conversations without the distraction of my phone.
  4. Improved Time Management: I realized just how much time I had been dedicating to social media, often without even noticing. By stepping away, I had more time to focus on meaningful tasks, both professionally and personally.


The Drawbacks

While the benefits were significant, there were also a few challenges that came with unplugging, especially when social media is essential for your work.

  1.  Missed Opportunities: There’s no denying that social media is a powerful tool for networking and staying connected. During my 24-hour break, I missed out on a few opportunities—messages from potential clients and updates on industry news. However, nothing was so urgent that it couldn’t wait until the next day, which was a valuable lesson in itself.
  2.  Feeling Disconnected: While I enjoyed the break, there were moments when I felt out of the loop. Social media allows us to stay connected with friends, colleagues, and industry peers. Going offline for a full day made me realize just how dependent I’ve become on these platforms for staying in touch.


Will I Do It Again?

Now that I’ve experienced what it’s like to go unplugged, the big question is: will I make it a regular practice? The answer is yes, but with some modifications.

Going completely offline for 24 hours is something I might do on a weekly or monthly basis. The benefits were undeniable, and the mental clarity I gained was invaluable. However, I also recognize that social media is a crucial part of my work, and completely disconnecting for extended periods isn’t always feasible.

Instead, I plan to incorporate more intentional breaks throughout my day. This might mean setting aside certain hours where I’m completely offline or dedicating specific days to focus on non-digital tasks. By striking a balance between being connected and unplugged, I believe I can maintain a healthy relationship with social media while still maximizing my productivity.


Final Thoughts

Unplugging from social media for 24 hours was a powerful reminder of how much time and mental energy we invest in our online lives. For those of us whose work depends on being connected, the idea of going offline can seem daunting. However, stepping away, even briefly, offers valuable insights into how we can better manage our time and focus.

Will I go unplugged regularly? Absolutely. This experiment showed me that while social media is important, it doesn’t have to dominate my life. Finding a balance between online and offline activities is key to maintaining both productivity and personal well-being

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